Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021
Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021
Grants of $3,500 for businesses with a premises in regional Victoria and $7,000 for businesses with a premises in metropolitan Melbourne will be available to eligible liquor licensees operating a restaurant, hotel, café, pub, bar, club, or reception centre that is registered to serve food and alcohol.
Eligible liquor licensees with an eLicence email address will receive an email containing their grant application link from Business Victoria from Thursday 3 June 2021.
Liquor licensees without an eLicence email address must set one up on their Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation Liquor Portal by 20 June 2021 to receive their grant application link from Business Victoria within five business days.
Eligibility Criteria
Liquor licensees who have received their application form link from Business Victoria are eligible to apply. To be eligible for a grant, an applicant must also:
Operate a licensed bar, restaurant, pub, club, hotel, café or reception centre that is registered to serve food and alcohol (Premises) located in Victoria on 27 May 2021
Hold a general or late night (general), full club, restaurant and cafe, producer’s or on-premises or late night (on-premises) liquor licence as of 27 May 2021
Provide a Class 2 or 3 Service Sector Certificate of Registration under the Food Act 1984 that is valid in 2021 for serving food on the same premises
Be registered for goods and services tax (GST) on 27 May 2021
Hold an Australian Business Number (ABN) and have held that ABN at 27 May 2021
Be registered with the responsible Commonwealth or Victorian regulator.
Businesses who hold a food certificate but do not hold a liquor licence are not eligible for a grant under this program. Businesses who hold a liquor licence but do not have a food certificate for the same premises are also not eligible for a grant under this program.
Businesses can only receive a grant from either the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two or the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021, not both. If you submit applications to both programs and are found to be eligible under both programs, you will only receive one grant.
Documentation or evidence required with application
Applicants must provide:
A copy of the Class 2 or 3 Service Sector Certificate of Registration under the Food Act 1984 issued by the local council, which must be valid for 2021 and specify the same premises as identified on the Licensee’s liquor licence
Details of a current proof of identity document.
Proof of identity documents must be one of the following:
A driver licence or learner permit issued in any Australian jurisdiction
An Australian passport
A Medicare card
A foreign passport for those issued with an Australian visa.
Applicants must provide identity document details for a person listed on the Australian Business Register as the owner or co-owner of the business, or associate, the liquor licensee, or authorised contact of the business.
Want us to make the application for you?
If you prefer that we make this application on your behalf, please contact us for a free quote and we will provide a list of what we require to ensure the application is made quickly on your behalf.